Injured On the Job - Know Your Rights


Know Your Rights If You Have Been Injured On The Job

Many people are unaware of their legal rights afforded by Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation Law. If you or someone you know has been injured at work then you will find this read useful in ascertaining if you or that individual is receiving the proper benefits according to the law of Georgia. If upon reading this article you find that you or that person has not been receiving those benefits, then your next step is to contact a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss legal rights so that you both can be properly awarded for you job injury.

Verify if an Employer Has Worker’s Compensation Insurance Coverage If You Have Been Injured On The Job

The law of Georgia requires any business with a populace of three or more part time or full time employees to have workers’ compensation insurance. If you want to know if your company has coverage, then you can visit and click on the link “How Do I Verify an Employer’s Worker’s Compensation Insurance Coverage”. If a company is not covered by Workers’ Compensation and an employee is injured on the job, then that employee has a workers’ compensation claim and must pursue it against the employer directly.  It is your right if you have been injured on the job.

Once a company is covered by Workers’ Compensation, an employee is automatically covered from their first day on the job. As such, an employer cannot say to the employee that they are not entitled to workers’ compensation because the injury occurred on the first day of the job (as most companies usually start employees on a probationary period). Once the person starts working for the company, they are entitled to workers’ compensation, if that person suffered a compensable injury. Hence, if you or any one you know are being denied compensation on these grounds, contact a workers’ compensation attorney.


Workers Compensation Is Required To Pay Your Medical Bills If You Have Been injured On The Job

When you are injured on the job, the employer is required to pay the authorized doctor bills through its workers’ compensation insurance provider. Doctor bills are not the only expenses the insurance provider should take care of. Hospital bills, prescriptions, physical therapy as well as travel expenses associated with treatment for the injury received on the job must also be paid.


When are entitled to a weekly income check for a work injury

In cases where the injury causes an employee to be disabled for more than seven days by that worker is entitled to a weekly income check.  The disability status must come from the authorized treating physician.  The first check of this kind should be mailed within 21 days from the first day of disability.  The weekly workers’ compensation benefit should be two-thirds of your average weekly wage and is calculated using the 13 weeks of actual wages prior to the date of accident.   Your benefit should continue as long as you are totally disabled or under physical restrictions that the employer cannot accommodate.

If you have not received workers’ compensation benefits and you have been injured on the job you must take legal action by filing a claim. A workers’ compensation attorney in Georgia such as Sunne Law can assist in filing this claim, which ultimately protects your legal rights. Do not wait to file a claim if you have been injured on the job. You have one year from your date of accident to file a claim against your Employer, otherwise you will be barred from pursuing workers’ compensation benefits.  There may be circumstances in which the one-year statute of limitations may not apply.  You should contact an workers comp attorney if you find that you may have waited too long to file a claim.


Why You Should Hire An Attorney To Protect Your Rights If You Have Been Injured On The Job

While an injured worker can choose to represent himself before the State Board of Workers’ Compensation (the administrative court assigned to hear such cases), you should hire an attorney to represent you.  Why? Because your employer and its insurance company will be represented by an attorney well versed in the law.   You need an attorney on your side, fighting for your rights.Many people are unaware of their legal rights afforded by Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation Law. If you or someone you know has been injured at work then you will find this read useful in ascertaining if you or that individual is receiving the proper benefits according to the law of Georgia.

Now that you have a better understating of your legal rights based on Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation Law; the onus is on you to take a stand in getting the compensation you deserve. There is no need to feel that your chances of seeking financial recovery are hopeless because you are an injured worker working for a large corporation with a powerful legal team. You have legal rights as an employee of any company and these rights are fundamental. Sunne Law, Workers Compensation Attorney Atlanta can help you receive the benefits you truly deserve and to protect your rights if you have been injured on the job. Contact us today so we can help!  If you would like to ask me a question about your case you can send me an email at

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